September 13, 2022

generate passive income via real estate

How to Generate Passive Income via Real Estate – Work Smart

Passive income is a great way to attain financial stability without actively working for it. If you plan to generate passive income via real estate investment, first ask yourself, would you prefer being an active investor or a passive one? Let’s say, you are not willing to actively involve yourself in real estate activities like paperwork handling, dealing with tenets, staying up to date with renovations, hiring property managers, networking, and so on. Then for you, we have compiled a list of ways to help you generate passive income via real estate.  Each option has its preliminary budget and time commitment requirements. Passive Income via Real Estate – What is Passive Income? Real estate passive income allows you to earn revenue without any extensive, daily involvement in real estate activities. The level and nature of the required activity will vary, depending on the type of investment you make. As you generate passive income via real estate, you will be able to generate savings, set up your retirement plans, help yourself with college funds, and get rid of all your debts. Get rid of a certain misconception here – “you don’t have to do any work.” Because we are talking about passive involvement here. This means, you do not have to spend your whole day on it, but the investment surely demands your attention from time to time. The key to making a successful start is by collecting all the necessary information –thorough research on local markets and trends. Once you have established your investment, build a proper real estate investment strategy. Start by identifying and narrowing the property listings from where you want to generate passive income. With proper execution, real estate passive income will make your life much easier. And essentially, you will find yourself earning more money than a 9-5 job. Furthermore, depending on the type of investments you make, you will be able to create a diversified portfolio. If you don’t have investment to start business in real estate, many jobs are available in real estate trusts. These are best paying jobs also. Publicly Traded REITs – Real Estate Investment Trusts Real Estate Investment Funds are one of the easiest and quickest ways to generate real estate passive income with a little effort. REITs are publicly or privately traded and allow an individual to own a share in income-producing real estate. Publicly traded REITs are highly liquid and you can exist at any time, as compared to the long haul of private REITs. The upfront cost is quite low and the returns (dividends) are relatively much higher. –> 8 Crucial tips to buy a house  REIT is the most passive you can get in real estate while making money regularly through dividends. All you have to do is stay up to date with research, the rest of the management is handled by the platform. You will have a lot of investment options in every property sector and market. Overall, REITs offer a great hedge if the market crashes as they have a low correlation to the stock market. In case of any financial troubles, the dividends will be reduced or paused temporarily. Exchange Traded Funds Another easy way to generate passive income via real estate is through exchange-traded funds. ETFs are a bit different from REITs. An ETF invests in companies that further buy properties. So, you get a chance to diversify by buying shares in different real estate properties. It is the task of your fund manager to pick suitable REITs for your investments. Consequently, you get selective, filtered options and it gets easy to determine where you want to invest. Just like REITs, with ETFs too, your dividend income will get taxed at the capital gain tax rate as an investment income. But still, an ETF is a more tax-efficient option as compared to mutual funds or stocks. Mutual Funds Mutual funds work by investing in a company that runs the REITs, making it a great way of generating real estate passive income. You can buy mutual funds whenever you want, along with other investors. All you have to do is decide how much you are willing to invest, the rest is taken care of by the fund manager. Being directly tied to the real estate market the ups and downs go accordingly. Mutual funds offer more convenience and diversification. However, you have to be cautious if the fund’s expense ratio is more than 1.50%. However, they are easily subjected to market fluctuations, affecting their returns. An investor might also have to face tax inefficiency during capital gains payouts. Create Cash Flow with Rentals Rentals are becoming increasingly popular day by day. There are several options for renting real estate property, depending on which type of property you own. From commercial to residential properties, the nature of rentals can be: Long-term Rentals – where you lease a property for a few months or even years. For this, you will have to find a reliable tenant, and it’s better to invest in a commercial property. Short-term Rentals – lease a property for a month or even for a few weeks. Here, your priority should be investing in residential areas or a service like Airbnb. Single/Multi-Family Units Single-family rentals are a great way to take a start in real estate by renting a condo or a single home to a tenant. You get to have more control and can take better care of your property as well. To generate a relatively stable passive income for a long time, go with multi-family rentals. And make sure to hire a property manager to avoid a 2 a.m call for plumbing fixed. In case you wish to go with multi-family units or apartments, remember that you will have a lot of duties to handle. It won’t be that much “passive”. House Hacking with Duplexes/Triplexes Duplexes and triplexes have two or four units where you can live in one unit and rent out the others to college students or families. This

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Nine important skills to help you become a successful realtor

Essential Skills you Need to Become a Successful Realtor

You have your license and are finally working as a real estate agent. But the market is competitive and only A few realtors stand out in business, realtor skills– ones who have the right skills for the job. First and foremost is market knowledge and experience. But there are some soft skills like clear communication, negotiation power, and work ethics that contribute to the making of a successful realtor. It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced agent or just a newbie, there is always room for improvement. And you can use the following skills to close more deals with perfection and experience success in real estate. Effective Communication Skills Most of the work of a realtor revolves around communication. You are interacting with so many people every day – approaching a client, trying to build customer relations, networking with other local realtors, posting online, selling negotiations, and whatnot. Realtor communications skills are integral part of its job. To make sure all of this goes well, you need to be able to communicate effectively. Your conversations should reflect professionalism and dedication. And make sure it’s a conversation, not a monologue. Well, not every customer wants to meet in person or talk on calls, they would prefer texting or emailing. So take care of your introverted clients too and keep all the channels of communication open. Through newsletters or yearly events, stay in touch with your previous clients. A successful realtor will strive to improve the following areas of communication:   Verbal Communication Verbal Communication – a key note here is to improve the clarity of your conversation. While your tone should reflect confidence, your words shouldn’t be ambiguous. Avoid using industry jargon and slang language. Non-Verbal Communication  Non-Verbal Communication – a huge part of your communication is non-verbal, including gestures, body postures, eye contact, facial expressions, intonation, etc. Maintain proper body language and pleasant expressions. Also, learning to read the social cues and cultural distinctions will help you understand the customer better. Written Communication Written Communication – will be reflected in your emails and legal contracts. For successful written communication, learn how to prepare professional emails, posts, website content, marketing collateral, and contracts. Active Listening Active Listening – Active listening demands time and attention, and you cannot be dismissive. Pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal communication and listen with an open mind. It will help you generate an effective response and you will be able to resolve any conflicts too. Ensure clarity by asking questions and confirming their needs. Negotiation Powers – A Key Skill of a Successful Realtor Negotiation is a big part of your job as you will often find yourself haggling with: Commission Selling Price Listing Price Start a negotiation with defined goals and clear expectations in your mind. But strive for a positive outcome for both parties. Help your client to identify a good deal and prevent any loss. Also, make sure to fix the property’s listing and selling price which will also help you settle a fixed commission. –> Top 10 Things To Do Before Selling Your House Negotiations can often get tricky due to aggressive behavior. Assertive behavior is good sometimes but you also need to know when to walk away. The better you become at negotiations, the more successful realtor you will be. Maintain Honesty and Integrity One thing you can never overcome in the real estate business is a bad reputation. To build a good reputation, you have to become a trustworthy person. You should have Social media active accounts for real estate business.  Your clients are trusting you with probably the biggest financial decision of their lives. So, they deserve honesty and integrity from your side. Be trustful and transparent to your client instead of just telling them things they want to hear. Maintain work ethics and integrity by following through with commitments. Not only will it help them make an informed decision but also leave a positive impression of your work. Consequently, you will be able to build a good reputation and testimonials; which are lead magnets. Tackle Issues with Problem-Solving Skills Problem-solving is a big part of your work. Every client comes with some issues and unrealistic expectations – both of which you have to tackle properly. Consider, for instance, that a client has given you a selling deadline and the house has been on the market for a while. To ensure a quick sale solutions, you have to put in some work like: Negotiating the price. Make a sweet deal. Rearrange the furniture and do some repairs. Showcase the best aspects of the home in your promotional posts. Create an appeal to the surrounding neighborhood. This was just an example given for your understanding. Once you have given your client what they need, it will boost your reputation and turn you into a successful realtor. Turn into a Tech-savvy In our previous blogs, we actively talked about the technological advancements in the real estate industry. Developers are working on applications to assist realtors in saving both time and money. It’s time for you to adopt accordingly and become tech-savvy. One of the apps designed to help you stay organized and maintain a schedule is Postredi. You can simply schedule your social media posts in advance and don’t have to worry about the content either. Your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter will be properly managed through consistent and trendy posts. Improve your Teaching Skills Since you are a real estate agent, people expect you to be proficient in your field of expertise. Without good teaching skills, you will not be able to deliver useful information to your clients in your seminars and educational online posts. First-time clients have a lot of questions and you have to enlighten them adequately. Walk them through the pros and cons before they invest. Give them improved clarity on different real estate terms. Additionally, try to provide practical answers. Some People thinks that without real estate investment we can’t do anything in real estate

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For scheduling posts on Instagram, connect with Postredi

Connect with Postredi – Link Instagram with Facebook Page

Postredi gets permission for managing your Instagram profile through Facebook. To connect with Postredi and be able to use direct publishing, you must manage your Facebook Page’s settings. Let us help you connect with Postredi through this brief step-by-step guide. Create a Facebook Page Firstly, you will have to create a Facebook page for your real estate business. For this, Already have a Facebook Page? Confirm your Role If you have already sorted out a Facebook page for your brand, that’s great. Your role on a Page determines what you can do. Consequently, to be able to link your Page with Instagram, you need partial or complete control. Make sure that you have the Page role of an Editor or Admin. If you have a Classic page, check out the Facebook help articles on Page role or access and Manage roles for your Facebook Page for better clarity. But if the nature of the page is an asset in Business Manager, then you will need management access. See the Facebook article add people to Meta Business Manager for a better understanding.  Switch to Business Profile on Instagram On Instagram, there are three main types of profiles, Business, Creator, and Personal. When you create a profile, by default it is “Personal”. To connect with Postredi, you’ll have to switch it to the Business profile. Why? Because your Instagram profile type decides which features of Postredi you will get access to. And a Business profile gets complete access. You are allowed to connect only one Instagram profile with Facebook Page. Here’s how you can do this. Go to your Instagram profile’s Settings. Under “Emails from Instagram”, you will find “switch to professional account”. Click it. Next, you will find display options of “Creator” and “Business” under what best describes you. Click on “Business”. When it comes to category selection, you can pick any category that best defines you, like for example a “personal blog”. Click Done and it’s done, your Instagram business account is ready. Let’s Connect! You’ve got your business profile and Facebook page, now it’s time to connect them. First. Log into your Facebook account and click on “Home”. On your left, select Pages. Pick the page that you would like to connect to your Instagram account. From the menu of the Manage Page, click on Settings at the bottom. Scroll down the Page Settings, and look for the option of “Instagram”. Click on it. You will find a display of “Connect to Instagram”, simply click on Connect Account icon. There will be a pop-up, requesting access. Select Continue. Confirm the prompts and add the credentials of your Instagram business account. Now your profile is connected to your Facebook page. What Now? Postredi is ready to add your Instagram profile now. If you had already added your account to Postredi, just add it again. Once you have completed the process, Postredi will automatically update the rest for you.

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sales solutions for real estate agents

Quick Sales Solutions for Real Estate Agents – Keep Growing

Economic uncertainties have made things difficult for realtors, but the real estate industry is forever evolving and trustworthy for people. Homebuyers are moving towards online markets rapidly. Why? Because it has less legwork and more well-researched options. The trend of digital marketing has been set which is why you need real estate sales solutions for growth. Do you want to start a real estate business? Must read this topic “how to start a business in real estate” it will help you in starting a business in real estate. For successful marketing and more sales, you need an optimized digital presence and an expanding reach. The key goal here is to help your followers while creating potential clients out of them just through your website or social media accounts. Let’s see how we can make this digitizing happen. An Impressive Website is a Must An impressive and optimized website can make all the difference in the world. Your website creates the first impression and a bad impression is worse than no impression. Firstly, optimize your website for viewing on different platforms and mobile devices. Secondly, it should be resourceful and answer common questions of customers. Thirdly, no unnecessary advertisements or visuals. You can use the following tips to create an impressive website. An Appealing Homepage A homepage is like a book cover and sorry to break this misconception for you, but book covers do matter. Most people will judge your business’s credibility based on the design of your website. Keep it in top appearance. The layout design should be clean and simple, easy to navigate. Anyone who visits the site should be able to locate easily what they are looking for, making it user-friendly. Easy Access to Listings People are visiting your website to look at properties and homes to buy or rent. The “Featured Listings” option should be easily accessible and have all the crucial information ad unique points of these properties. Add a proper description, attractive images, and a navigation facility through Google Earth or Google Maps. Quick Navigation and Response Users will spare no second in leaving your website if the design is messy or it’s taking forever to respond. Improve the page loading time for quick responsiveness. Help the users navigate easily through breadcrumbs (Home>Property>Listings) so that all essential things are just a click away. Lastly, the pop-ups shouldn’t block any important information. Add Testimonials Testimonials are the best way to attract a prospect and gain their trust. After taking permission from your client, put the testimonials of your previous clients on your website. It will improve your credibility as a realtor. Add High-quality Media High-quality pictures and catchy videos play an instrumental role in attracting a viewer and turning them into a client. The best way to get this media is by hiring a professional photographer who has experience with architecture photoshoots. Or if you are good at it then no need to pay a professional. Just remember that these images will be posted on your social media and website to maintain your social media presence. They have to be good. CTA is Crucial CTAs are a way for a customer to connect with you, they don’t need to be “sales”. Make sure that the CTA on your website is clickable, easily visible, and stands out from the rest of the display. You can use bright colors but remember to stick with brand consistency. They are a good source for building your database through signups which you can later use for email communications. Start a Blog for your Content People always have a lot of concerns and queries about the real estate business if they are looking for a property to buy. A great way to educate your viewers is through well-researched content of blogs. By posting these informal articles, you can show your expertise as a realtor and also reflect on the qualities of your service. Write SEO-optimized content to attract more traffic through targeted keywords. Add featured images and infographics to make it more interesting. Lastly, this “Blog” option should be easily visible on your website. Strong Follow-up and Marketing through Email To get good leads that you can later convert, you need a quick follow-up process. For that, you need an effective social media advertising strategy. It is one of the best sales solutions for real estate agents. Once you have got someone’s email, you can start with a warm welcoming email. Later on, you can adjust the nature of the emails based on how they respond, creating a nurturing campaign. Here are a few credible ways that will grow your database and produce valuable clients: Helpful Newsletters Your website’s CTA will collect many email signups and you can send them helpful newsletters once a month. Add relevant content like: Greeting Mails Create personalized emails for both your previous and new clients. Send them a short sweet greeting on holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, etc. It will generate a positive response among your clients and if someone needs a reference, you will be the first one in mind. We know how important the leads are for you, which is why we have created a simple tool that will compile all your leads from social media that you can later follow up on and increase your database. Investment in Paid Ads on Social Media To grow your brand on social media and promote your listings, run paid ads on your Facebook and Instagram accounts. Without social ads, you won’t be able to get new clients easily. Set a budget, pick any social media package which includes wordy social media posts or social media content ideas, pick your target audience, and always use hashtags, especially on Instagram. Hashtags ensure that your posts are reaching the target audience. Use Virtual Staging – A Cost-efficient Strategy Staged homes get sold quicker than unstaged ones. And today’s home buyers prefer virtual staging as compared to physical ones. Virtual staging is a simulation of your property’s interior and exterior design

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how to start a business in real estate - strategize today

How to Start a Business in Real Estate – Strategize Today

One of the businesses, which has been successful through the years is real estate. Why? Because it is always in demand. People will always need new homes and businesses will need commercial areas. Undeniably, it’s time for you to start a business in real estate too. The startup can be confusing, but we are here to help you with it. What Exactly Is A Real Estate Business? To start a business in real estate, it is better to know about it first. A real estate business involves buying, selling, managing, and investing in real estate. These real properties can be residential, commercial, agricultural, or industrial. Real estate has a lot of opportunities from where you can take a start, but you have to invest some proper time into it. The industry is booming with career options and it may as well be your safe ticket to financial security. 8 Catchy Steps To Start A Business In Real Estate You can start business in real estate by understanding real estate strategy and market strategy. Here are 8 steps that can be beneficial for you while starting business in real estate. 1- Get an Improved Clarity of your Idea Real estate investment is not a smooth road, there will be a lot of ups and downs, so before you step into this business, it is important to clear your approach. You can be an active investor and manage property directly through renting, rebuffing, fixing, and flipping. Or you can be a passive real estate investor with a hands-off approach in property management. After buying any property, you can just hire a team for its social media management. Ask yourself, —> Guide on Investment Property Management It is essential to keep your idea targeted and strategic, and for that, you need to find a niche for your startup. The above actors will help you narrow your focus so you can find out your specialty and start completing the following requirements. 2- Build your Business Plan and Goals Where do you see your business in the next 5 years or so? Figure out your business goals, and financial and personal expectations. They will directly control the investment. A business plan is an outline of your business’s operational and financial goals. The plan should be focused and short, with every necessary detail. You can find many templates online. A usual business plan has the following parts: Executive Summary: This session will be written at the end, which will be a summary of all the essential elements of your plan. Anyone who reads this should get clarity about your business ideas immediately. A company Overview: An overview of your company, what you do, what you will offer to your clients, and who are your target customers. An Industry Overview: Give a briefing about your industry’s history, trends, players, etc. Market Analysis: Your target location and which real estate services you will be offering. Competitive Analysis: Define your indirect and direct competitors and what makes your service unique. Marketing Plan: What’s different about your selling proposition, what shall be your social media marketing strategy, how will you convince your customer, and so on? An Operating Plan: About your employees, equipment, facilities, manufacturing process, supplies, etc. Financial Plan: This will include a balance sheet, a cash flow statement, an income statement, the startup cost, and so on. Find someone already in the business to help you out with the business plan. They can also be a potential private investor in your business. 3- Do Market Research – What are your competitors up to? The competition in the real estate market is fierce which is why you will be conducting market research on potential competitors in your targeted area. It’s crucial to know about your market so that you can make a well-informed decision. The more detailed your market research goes, the better startup you can build. 4- Startup Costs You might be worried alit about the capital. Some entrepreneurs start a business in real estate with just $1,000 or less. For the initial step, you don’t even need a fancy office or a lot of employees. You can start with investment in single-family homes. But if you are hooked on starting a proper business, you can raise money with a small loan or Government assistance. Following are some fixed costs: On-going expenses include: You will also have to manage some one-time costs like printer, computer, furniture, software system, etc. 5- Pick a Business Structure You can select one of the four legal structures for your business startup: Pick a structure that best accommodates your business goals and expansion. After finalizing the structure, you will know where to register. 6- Register your Startup and Get your License Now that you have planned your finances and business plan, it is time to take the real estate licensing test and get the required licenses for your business. You will need the following legal requirements: If you will be selling and buying property yourself, get your license. After obtaining your license, you can gain experience by joining a brokerage firm and building your network of professional contacts. After that, if you plan to start a business in real estate, make sure to protect it through business insurance. 7- Time to Market Name your business and design a professional logo because it’s time for marketing. This logo is the face of your company and will appear on every promotional material. So make sure it reflects your brand image properly. Build an online presence by creating a website. It should be easily accessible to your customers so manage to stay at the top results through search engine optimization. 8- Create a Social Media Presence Not every social media platform is built to best suit your business promotions. Here are three platforms you can work with: Facebook is a hub of marketing for real estate businesses where you can target your audience and communicate with them easily. Remember to use ads that target a

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real estate investment types - capital attraction through social media

Real Estate Investment – Capital Attraction Through Social Media

There is no shortage of options for real estate investment through capital attraction. Real estate investment is financial planning which involves buying, selling, owning, renting, or managing any property for the sake of investment. A good  private investor builds a proper investment strategy before diving into this business. And for you, we have compiled some great options for your investment. Hopefully, the article below will help you understand your options so you can make an informed decision. Start with REITs – Real Estate Investment Trusts The best way to take a start in the real estate market without all the traditional efforts is by buying REITs. What happens is that public companies get funds after selling stock shares, and then buy and lease out commercial properties like shopping malls, office buildings, apartments, hotels, etc. To keep their status, Real Estate Investment Trusts have to pay out almost 90% of their taxable profit through dividends. You, as an investor, can either use this dividend as a monthly income or invest it further for a huge profit. This type of investment is a great retirement plan. You will also gain huge exposure and build a good portfolio. It has 3 types: Publicly Traded – highly liquid, you can exit any time and hence lower risk. But, the returns may be small. Publicly Non-traded – not the same level of liquidity, not so risky. Also, there is no selling of shares and these REITs stay illiquid for a long while. Private – a higher risk is involved, hard to sell, and value. After a long wait, they might generate a high return. So, you will be in for a long haul. Also, there are REIGs – Real Estate Investment Groups An REIG is a group or a company that buys residential, rental properties business (or any other real estate) and then asks the investors to buy from them. Being an investor, you can have single or multiple units. The group will handle the maintenance and other hassles of these rental properties. So, it’s more of a hands-off approach. To avoid risk, the group can diversify the investment. Use Rental Properties A great opportunity to build wealth is by investing in rental properties. But here are a few things you need to keep in mind before investing: You need a large capital attraction to begin – an upfront investment for maintenance and coverage of potential vacancies. Invest both time and money to keep up with maintenance responsibly. Now that you are the landlord, you have to deal with the complaints of tenets and sort out any issues they have. And for that, you need to have enough patience. To get rid of all the troubles of maintenance, you can hire a property manager but that will extract some revenue from your profit. You should be able to gain a better experience with rental properties by taking the help of an investor. There are two ways to make money through rentals. Short-term Rentals – available for a few weeks or days but can be taken on lease for a month. It requires less commitment time but the income potential depends upon seasonality. Long-term Rentals – rented for a whole year. You get a monthly income out of it, but you must find some reliable tenets. Invest in Flipping Properties Another distinct real estate investment opportunity is house flipping. It involves buying a property, renovating it, and then selling it on a huge property. But flipping demands a lot of renovation experience. So, the risk is a bit high. Additionally, you need the following requirements: Renovation permit. Costs for remodeling and restructuring. Additional cost if you plan on hiring a contractor. If your investment is short-term and you want to put minimum effort, then it’s better to look for properties that need very little renovations, are underpriced, and are located in a good, up-and-coming neighborhood. Invest in your Home, Rent a Room Not looking for anything big? Just take a small start by renting a room in your own home. It’s easily accessible and the housing costs will also be marginal. Whatever investment you do will be for your good. It’s a huge attraction for young people, students and old people in modern days. It can either be a short or a long-term investment, depending on your goals. You can also add roommates for a stable monthly rent. For renovations, you can just DIY or find yourself an investor. Related Post –  Real Estate Housing Market success in 2023 Connect with Investors through Crowdfunding Last and the most exciting way of raising capital attraction with real estate investment is through crowdfunding. So, what exactly is crowdfunding? Crowdfunding, as the name hints, is a way to raise money for your investment/business by taking small sums from a crowd of investors. Not many are willing to give large amounts but almost everyone can agree on investing small. You can directly advertise and and attract private investors from all over the world through the internet. You will need a long-term commitment from your investors. Use your website and social media handles to reach your potential shareholders and expand your funding options. Some Advantages of Crowdfunding The following are some advantages of crowdfunding: Raise a good sum of funds without any problem –easy and quick access to capital. Grow your network rapidly by marketing on several social platforms. Through crowdfunding, the contributors turn into investors. If you give them a good result, they will try to make sure you succeed. There are some crowdfunding websites too, designed to help you reach a larger audience. About Real Estate Investment Methods– Direct and Indirect There are different ways of investing, as we have explored above. They can be divided into the following categories for your ease. If you intend to draw some quick profit, you can turn towards short-term investments and go with flipping properties. But if you are here for the long run, long-term investment is just the thing for

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